Troester 90/60mm Duplex

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Location:England, United Kingdom


Troester 90/60mm Duplex Troester Duplex extruder (Co-extruder), Model QSM90 90mm screw dia Pin barrel type with 8 rows of 6 pins, Power roller feed 66kW DC variable speed motor 4 zone TCU Model GS60 60mm screw dia Plain barrel type Power roller feed 16kw DC variable speed motor 2 zone TCU With Hydraulically operated tread head - aperture size 200mm x 20mm.  Large selection of dies available  (approx 80). Complete with electrical controls, all manuals/drawings and various spare parts (including spare screw/barrel for both machines).


Serial number250583/87,
Year of manufacture1987
L/D ratio 121,
L/D ratio 111