1991 FRANCIS SHAW K1 MK4 Intermix

1991 FRANCIS SHAW K1 MK4 Intermix

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Location:United Kingdom


1 x Francis Shaw model K1 Intermix MK4, M/c number: 4176, Date: Jan 1991, Net chamber volume: 5.5litres, NR2 style intermeshing rotors, Pneumatic hopper, Hydraulic drop door discharge, with Thrigge Scott 45kW DC variable speed motor. 2 x Tool Temp temperature control units. The mixer has been completely dismantled and the rotors, door top, drilled sides and floating weight have been refurbished and re-chromed.  All other components checked, serviced or replaced during re-assembly.  The mixer will be supplied with NEW control panel with PLC, touch screen PC with data capture.


ManufacturerFRANCIS SHAW
ModelK1 MK4 Intermix
Stock Number121976717