VMI tunnel type Batch off unit

VMI tunnel type Batch off unit

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Type: Multi-Mode,

Tilting in-feed conveyor 1000mm wide x 1000mm long,

Strip cutter/slitting knife (1 blade at present),

Spray cooling section with tank,

Festoon cooling section 8100mm long with 12 x cooling fans,

Slat bar width 1300mm,

Auto grab and take off conveyor,

Guillotine/cross cutter (not currently being used),

Pallet storage, pallet stacker and approx 10m of track.

With original Siemens S5 plc control system (take off side has modified pneumatic controls separate from PLC).

In working condition, but controls are now obsolete (not supported)


ManufacturerVMI tunnel type Batch off unit
Serial Number1B3002
Stock Number128058965